Bangkok » Chulalonghorn School  (44 Slides)     [Page 1 of 3] :: Jump To  
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DSCN0172 * Chulalongcorn University in Bangkok has a University School. We had the opportunity to observe a music class of children learning Thai instruments. This is the oldest university in Thailand and the most prestigous university. I was originally schedule to give a lecture here, but as it turned out I didn't do that. We started by observing a music class of elementary children learning Thai instruments * 2592 x 1944 * (999KB)
DSCN0173 * Here a student plays the Ranad Ek, a xylophone type instrument. * 2592 x 1944 * (987KB)
DSCN0174 * Two girls on the left playing a Saw U (a 2 string bowed instrument). On the floor in front, a girl plays a Jakhae, plucked with a wooden pick in the right hand, using the left hand on frets. * 2592 x 1944 * (988KB)
DSCN0176 * a view of the class * 2592 x 1944 * (1011KB)
DSCN0177 * there were two teachers present -- the music teacher, and the dance teacher, shown here dancing in the middle of the class * 2592 x 1944 * (1017KB)
DSCN0178 * 2592 x 1944 * (1012KB)
DSCN0179 * A view here shows some of the students playing on the Kim-Peasier, similar to a hammered dulcimer. * 2592 x 1944 * (1.07MB)
DSCN0180 * 2592 x 1944 * (1.08MB)
DSCN0181 * 2592 x 1944 * (991KB)
DSCN0182 * 2592 x 1944 * (982KB)
DSCN0183 * a girl playing the Ching, a bell like sound that is the conductor of the ensemble * 2592 x 1944 * (709KB)
DSCN0185 * Typical kids -- the boy in the back playing a Saw Duang kept bowing into the side of the Ranad Ek player, who in return kept hitting him with the mallets * 2592 x 1944 * (1017KB)
DSCN0186 * a ching player and a girl hitting two wooden blocks * 2592 x 1944 * (1012KB)
DSCN0188 * Seems like a star in all countries... * 2592 x 1944 * (1.05MB)
DSCN0189 * The round circular object on the right (a Khawng Wong Yai or circle of gongs) is played by sitting inside the circle and hitting the bells with a mallet -- an Indonesian influence * 2592 x 1944 * (1.05MB)
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