Bangkok » Japan Asakusa »  Viewing DSCN0557     [Image 2 of 21]  :: Jump To  
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DSCN0556 * Asakusa Kannon Temple * 2592 x 1944 * (980KB)

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DSCN0557.JPG - 2592 x 1944 - (1007KB)
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11/30/02 12:00 AM
DSCN0558 * Main entrance * 2592 x 1944 * (1.05MB)

DSCN0559 * a long line of merchants from the main entrance to the temple itself * 2592 x 1944 * (996KB)

DSCN0560 * 2592 x 1944 * (982KB)

DSCN0561 * 2592 x 1944 * (1014KB)

DSCN0562 * out of the shops, approaching the main temple * 2592 x 1944 * (902KB)

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