Bangkok » ITG and the Grand Hotel »  Viewing DSCN0168     [Image 10 of 14]  :: Jump To  
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Comment: Entrance to the hotel
DSCN0032 * Slightly blurred, but the main lobby staircase again... * 2592 x 1944 * (1.1MB)

DSCN0033 * Must be the chandelier!! * 2592 x 1944 * (1.08MB)

DSCN0034 * a view of some of the balconies from the lobby * 2592 x 1944 * (974KB)

DSCN0048 * These are on the street by the Grand Hotel * 2592 x 1944 * (1.05MB)

DSCN0049 * 2592 x 1944 * (1014KB)

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DSCN0168.JPG - 2592 x 1944 - (1009KB)
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11/30/02 12:00 AM
DSCF0185 * Our room was on the 17th floor. This is the hotel swimming pool on the 5th floor. * 1280 x 960 * (183KB)

DSCF0184 * A view of Bangkok from our hotel room * 1280 x 960 * (104KB)

DSCF0181 * The large ensemble performing Handel's Music for the Royal Fireworks. Just as my wife was taking the picture, someone else stuck a camera in the air. I'm the one just to the right of that hand. * 1280 x 960 * (114KB)

DSCF0180 * The lobby of the Grand Hotel.... the venue for the Festival of Trumpets concert * 1280 x 960 * (94KB)

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